Why this blog

I came late to the world of investment.

When I retired in 2015, I received a tidy lumpsum from GSIS and the provident fund of my workplace. My monthly pension, however, would not meet the family expenses for long because inflation is eating into it. I needed to invest the lumpsum so that it would earn more than the inflation rate.

A couple of early investments were done in a rush due to lack of enough information and the sales pitches of agents. I lost in those. As they would say, "I should have researched pa more".

The later investments done on my own are doing fine. It was a matter of studying and getting more information before making any decision.

Whatever I write or share here is more for my own guidance as I consolidate or reconfigure my investments. They are intended also for my siblings, children, cousins,  nephews, nieces, whenever they have to make investment decisions.

But even to them I say  "take everything with a grain of salt".

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